CVCA Resident Program
A Place to

The CVCA Veterinary Cardiology program is like no other. Our 3-year residency program is specially designed to provide a supportive learning environment for tomorrow’s board-certified veterinary cardiologists.

The CVCA Veterinary Cardiology Residency program is fully accredited through the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM).

Team of four CVCA vet cardiologist diplomates
CVCA Resident Program
CVCA Provides
a rich teaching experience

Residents gain hands-on experiences to build the skills and confidence to be a top-tier veterinary cardiologist.

CVCA team works together to hold dog still while vet cardiologist performs echocardiogram
CVCA Resident Program
Our Program Offers
every resident

a dedicated cardiologist Diplomate as a resident mentor for the full 3-year course of their residency. CVCA also provides specialty created practice tools to help prepare for qualification board examinations.

CVCA team members pet and smile at two dogs on counter in veterinarian office
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CVCA Residency Program. launch your career in veterinary cardiology.

With veterinary school behind you, it's time to find the best veterinary cardiology residency program for you.

The CVCA Cardiology Residency program was developed in 1995 by our cardiologists. They understand first hand the needs of residents developing in this specialty field - the hands-on training, academic specialization, and professional support needed to master this specialty medicine.

At the foundation of the academic program is a tight knit community of support to help every CVCA resident achieve success in the specialty.

Your Best Life as a CVCA Resident

Cardiology Residents can find their best life at CVCA. Blending the rich training program with personalized one-on-one mentoring is at the heart of the program. Residents learn from the CVCA cardiologists and peer residents, working and learning together. This group often becomes a close and trusted colleague network throughout the residency experience and beyond.

Rich Residency training experience

Our 3-year program is a structured learning program, with progressive learning and hands-on experience in cases. Over the course of the program you will become more confident and independent in providing high quality cardiac care to patients. You will also engage in research to advance veterinary cardiac medicine and learn of new procedures and advances in the industry. You will also prepare to qualify through your board examinations.

Here are some of the many learning modes in the CVCA residency program:

  • Red Check Mark
    Observing, assisting, carrying patient cases
  • Red Check Mark
    ECG Rounds
  • Red Check Mark
    Journal Club
  • Red Check Mark
    Lectures & Presentations
  • Red Check Mark
    Pediatric Rounds (at local hospital)
  • Red Check Mark
    Rations in other disciplines (internal medicine, neurology, radiology, oncology)
  • Red Check Mark
    Hospital-based rounds
  • Red Check Mark
    Out Rotations in other disciplines
  • Red Check Mark
    Reading assignments
  • Red Check Mark
    Educational case logs
  • Red Check Mark
    Echocardiography logs
  • Red Check Mark
    Research, Clinical Study and Projects
  • Red Check Mark
    Reading & Research Days
  • Red Check Mark
    Continuing Education programs
  • Red Check Mark
    Attendance at veterinary association forums and meetings
  • Red Check Mark
    Writing blog posts or newsletter articles

Diversity in your resident training: Many Cardiologists, many experiences

What is better than one or two excellent cardiologists to lead and teach a resident?  How about having more than 25 excellent diplomate veterinary cardiologists to learn from.

As the largest veterinary cardiology practice, we have a large team of Diplomates in cardiology, each bringing their own strengths and experiences to support our residents. We have cardiologists who come from all over the country with diverse styles and perspectives. This means you can excel as a veterinary cardiology resident by drawing on the diversity within our cardiologist team.
CVCA team member and vet cardiologist pet and examine dog

Success in your board examinations

Passing your qualifying board examinations is a milestone. It requires significant and diligent preparation over many months. And it can be very stressful.

This is one of the ways that CVCA differentiates itself from other residency programs. We have dedicated one-on-one mentorship with our residents to help them every step of their residency. CVCA residents also band together to support one another to support and help each other along the way - sharing best practices and providing mutual support.

We go another step further by building actual test prep tools for the residents, including practice questions and model answers, along with tools and resources available through a test prep website.

Well rounded cardiologist perspective

At CVCA, we recognize that the truly outstanding veterinary cardiologists are the ones who practice excellent cardiology medicine, and who also excel at communicating and relating with their patients and the families.

As part of the residency program, we ensure that all our residents learn and model how to develop these softer skills to create a truly well-rounded veterinary cardiologist. We actively and positively coach our cardiologists on leadership, teamwork and communications skills in working with our patients, and also with their peers and teams throughout the veterinary community.

We also know that everyone needs balance in their lives. CVCA provides our residents with many social and networking opportunities, such as CVCA-hosted rafting trips, attendance in veterinary conferences and meetings, community and charitable events and just pure fun social events together. We encourage our residents to take advantage of all these opportunities to be not only a great cardiologist, but also a great human being.

CVCA vet cardiologist diplomate explains while gesturing to echocardiogram
Collage of three images of residents and animals in veterinarian office

Life after your CVCA residency

Your CVCA residency is just the beginning of your career… and may be just the beginning of your relationship with CVCA too. We retain many of our residents to become the leading diplomates in our practice.

Many residents choose to remain with CVCA because they know the quality of life we offer is unparalleled in our industry.

Our cardiologist can also evolve their professional career as their interests evolve. This is only the beginning of your successful and fulfilling career. Being a part of CVCA Cardiac Care for Pets means you can write your own career journey, wherever your interests lead you.