Studies and Publications from CVCA Doctors

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At CVCA Cardiac Care for Pets, we strive to provide excellent medical care. This is not only through the daily care of our patients but also through input into the ever-growing base of knowledge of the veterinary cardiac patient.  We are proud to contribute to veterinary literature through our collaboration within our team and our veterinary academic and industry partners.

Our very own Steven Rosenthal, DVM, DACVIM (Cardiology) has co-authored a chapter in a new reference book, Clinical Small Animal Internal Medicine, edited by David Bruyette! This is a handy text for veterinary professionals and covers a wide array of clinically-relevant material!


Woerde DJ, Palm CA, Duler L, Cowgill LD, Ames MK, Culp WTN. Front Vet Sci. 2024.

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Duler L, Nguyen N, Johnson L, Visser LC, Li RG. JVIM. 2024.

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McGrath C, Dixon A, Hirst C, Bode EF, DeFrancesco T, Fries R, Gordon S, Hogan DF, Martinez Pereira Y, Mederska E, Ostenkamp S, Sykes KT, Vitt J, Payne JR. J Vet Cardiol. 2023;49:9-28.

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Ostenkamp SM, Bell SC, Hogan DF. J Vet Cardiol. 2022;44:13-17.

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Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Bill Tyrrell, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of veterinary cardiology. March 2022

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Hogan DF, Goldfeder G. J Vet Cardiol. 2021;35:48-54.

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Nguyen N, Duler L, Li RH. JFMS. 2021.

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Sarah L. Holdt, VMD, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Neal Peckens, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Rick Cober, DVM, MS, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. October 2021

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Shen L, Estrada A, Meurs K, et al. Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. 2021.

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Duler L, Christina L. Jackson, Lance C. Visser; VRU. January 2021.

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M Boothe, SL Rosenthal. CASE. 2021 Apr; 10.1016/

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Duler L, LeBlanc N, Scollan K. JVC. 2021.

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Ueda Y, Duler L, Eliott KJ, Sosa PMD, Robert JA, Stern JA. BMC Vet Research. September 2020.

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Duler L, Nguyen N, Ontiveros E, Li RH. JoVE. March 2020.

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David Bruyette, Steven L. Rosenthal, Mark Oyama, et al. Clinical Small Animal Internal Medicine. 2020 Mar; 1.3.19. 978-1-118-49703-6

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Adrian Boswood, Sonya G. Gordon, Steven L. Rosenthal, et al. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2020 Mar; 34: 1108‐ 1118. 10.1111/jvim.15753

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William D. Tyrrell, Jr., Jonathan Abbott, Steven L. Rosenthal, Mariellen Dentino, Frances Abrams. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2020 Mar; 34(2): 581–590. 10.1111/jvim.15709

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Fox PR, Keene BW, Lamb K, et al. (Hogan DF- 9th out of 56 authors). J Vet Intern Med. 2019;33(6):2572-2586.

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Malkawi M, Woolcock AD, Lee PM, Court MH, Moore GE, Hogan DF. J Feline Med Surg. 2019;21:951-958.

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Samantha L. Fousse, William D. Tyrrell, Mariellen E. Dentino, Frances L. Abrams, Steven L. Rosenthal, Joshua A. Stern. Canine Genetics and Epidemiology. 2019 Dec 9; 6:11. 10.1186/s40575-019-0079-y

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Jess Weidman, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. February 2019.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). PLOS ONE open access. Published December 2018.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: William Tyrrell, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Rick Cober, DVM, MS, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). JAVMA. Published November 2018.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Matthew Boothe, DVM, Resident in Cardiology. Clinician's Brief. Published April 2018.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Published January 2018.

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Eason BD, Hogan DF, Lim C, Hogan MJ. J Vet Cardiol. 2017;19:396-403.

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Shen L, Estrada AH, Côté E, Powell MA, Winter B, Lamb K. Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. 2017;19:144-152.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: William Tyrrell, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Kristin Jacob, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Published December 2017. Journal of veterinary cardiology

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Stephanie Savino, DVM, Resident in Cardiology. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. Published November 2017

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Matthew Boothe, DVM, Resident in Cardiology. JAVMA. Published June 2017

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Sarah Clay Bell, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Stephanie Savino, DVM, Resident in Cardiology. Journal of the Veterinary Cardiology. December 2016.

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June 2016.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. November 2016

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Neal Peckens, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Medical Association. July 2016

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Elizabeth Turner, DVM, Resident in Cardiology. The Canadian Veterinary Journal. June 2016

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Hogan DF, Fox PR, Jacob K, Keene B, Laste NJ, Rosenthal S, Sederquist K, Weng HY. J Vet Cardiol. 2015;17(Suppl 1)

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Sarah Clay Bell, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). American Journal of Physiology — Heart and Circulatory Physiology. May 2015.

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Magee AN, Hogan DF, Sederquist KA, Durham JA. Am J Vet Res. 2014;75(3):309-312.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Medicine. October 2014.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Julia Shih, VMD, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. June 2014.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. June 2014.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Comparative Medicine. February 2014.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. January 2014.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Sarah L. Holdt, VMD, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Molecular and Cellular Probes. December 2012.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Emily Westphal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. December 2012.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Emily Westphal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine. October 2012.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Sarah L. Holdt, VMD, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. August 2012.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Katie Meier, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. February 2012.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Rick Cober, DVM, MS, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. December 2011.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Rick Cober, DVM, MS, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. August 2011.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Rick Cober, DVM, MS, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). JAVMA. March 2011.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. January 2011.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Bill Tyrrell, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2011.

CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Bill Tyrrell, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2011.

Fiakpui NN, Hogan DF, Whittem T, Green HW III, Shipley EA, Sederquist KA. Am J Vet Res. 2012;73(4):556-561.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). JAVMA. December 2009

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Rick Cober, DVM, MS, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. June 2009

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. April 2009

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Katie Meier, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Small Animal Critical Care Medicine. 2009

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Jess Weidman, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Cardiology. June 2008

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Neal Peckens, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). JAVMA. June 2008

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Sara Beth Bordelon, DVM, MS, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). JAVMA. June 2008

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Emily Westphal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. February 2008

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Jennifer Sidley, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). JAVMA. October 2007

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Katie Meier, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2007

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Katie Meier, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). JAVMA. November 2006

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Bill Tyrrell, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. May 2006

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Kristin Jacob, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2006

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Rick Cober, DVM, MS, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. September 2006

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Rick Cober, DVM, MS, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. September 2006

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Katie Meier, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Ecography. June 2006

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), William Tyrrell, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). JAVMA. March 2005

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Pestycydy. 2005

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Kristin Jacob, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Internal Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine. 2004

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Jennifer Sidley, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. September 2003

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Kristin Jacob, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. August 2003

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Kristin Jacob, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. February 2003

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Jennifer Sidley, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. October 2002

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Kristin Jacob, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association. September - October 2002

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Jennifer Sidley, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). JAVMA. September 2002

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Jennifer Sidley, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. December 2001

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Jennifer Sidley, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). JAVMA. August 2000

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 1998.

CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). JAVMA. November 1996.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound. December 1996.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). American Journal of Veterinary Research. November 1995.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound. March 1995.

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CVCA Doctors Involved: Steven Rosenthal, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Bill Tyrrell, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology), Bonnie Lefbom, DVM, Diplomate, ACVIM (Cardiology). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine.